How to Lead and Motivate Others

The buck stops here. Though you are wise to ask many opinions and to seek the best advice you can, there will be times when you must be the one to make the final decision. Certainly weigh up and consider everything everybody tells you, but at the end of the day you stand or fall by the decision you make so, provided it is within your area of expertise and responsibility, you should be the one to make it.

Sometimes people can be very persuasive in the advice they give you, but it pays to remember that other people can only come from the basis of their own experience and knowledge, and this may be no better than yours. If they have had more experience than you regarding the particular situation, or if they are professionals in their field, then of course you will pay more attention to the advice they give. Beyond this, however, remember that what other people tell you is based on their experience and is often no better than an opinion.

When faced with people problems and difficult situations confront, don't ignore. One of the biggest mistakes the leader or manager can make is to shut their eyes and hope that it will all go away. You can bet your bottom dollar it won't. Problems involving people do not usually just fade away and disappear, rather they tend to steadily build up. So deal with the problem when it is smaller rather than bigger; that way it can quickly be sorted out.

Prepare people for the tough jobs. Warn them that the job is going to be tough, and what they can expect, but do so in a positive way. Talk about it in terms of it being a challenge, and also along the lines of 'if we can do this we can handle anything they can throw at us.' Let them know that you have faith in them and their ability to handle it. Also that you are going to be there in an active (if possible) and/or supportive role. Involve them in this prior discussion, and ask them for ideas as to how this job can be made easier or can be made to run more smoothly. Ask for their help. People will take their attitude from you, and if you are straight with them about the difficulties of the job, but also have a positive attitude towards it they will be prepared in a positive way. Try also to show your faith and confidence in their ability to handle it, and you will psychologically prepare them to do so. Emphasise the challenge aspect of the job.

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