15 Steps to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

You don’t have to live with anxiety and depression! This book (a new edition released in 2015) brings new hope to those who are anxious and/or depressed.

Its practical self-help program is down-to-earth, easy to follow and, above all, effective. You will learn techniques to help you relax; to motivate you; build your self-esteem; cope with fear; take constructive action in the face of negative feelings; set goals and achieve realistic expectations of yourself. You’ll find many helpful tips for promoting a more positive and confident approach to life.

An invaluable tool for thousands of depressed and anxious people, this book is useful for family and friends seeking insight into the sufferer's behaviour. It’s also an excellent resource for medical or counselling services.

Please note: The printed versions of these books and textbooks may have different covers from those pictured.

Also recommended: Know Your Strengths and Be Confident, From Strength to Strength

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